Les Profs Le Film 2013 Sur Utorrent This year it is the turn of the best students in England to get the worst teachers in France. While studying in the UK, students must choose three of the four subjects in which they need to take the Red Diploma examinations, three of which are mandatory, and the fourth can be chosen based on the wishes of the students. Thus, six students voluntarily choose subjects they like as an exam and then look for independent organizers responsible for delivering them. Last year, the largest number of students from Britain chose physical education in France, this year - the teaching of mathematics. English is the leading language among engineering students. Students who want to continue their studies have the opportunity to choose a subject from the list below: physical education maths English Letters are the best way to get to know each other. The past week has been very intense. I was lucky enough to tell more than 1000 students about myself with whom I will work in France. As an experiment, students come to my offices where they can get to know me, get to know me and talk to me. I am currently in Lyon, but I have a trip all over France planned in the near future. As soon as I am released from the University of Lyon, I am going to set up another office in Paris. 3e8ec1a487
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